Drone Safety Solution​​

​Beyond is a safety system for drones, making it possible to do long-range missions and operate drones above 25 kg. Based on satellite, the system has unlimited range.
Using Beyond allows termination of the flight independent of the autopilot. This makes drones compliant with drone regulations worldwide.​​

Want to fly specific operations and need containment? Then Beyond flight termination system is your solution.

Beyond 12 is less than 100 g and can be fitted anywhere on the drone.

Unlimited range
The SatCom link allows activation regardless of distance to the drone.

Excellent environmental protection (temperature, rain, vibrations).

Support multiple switches, additional outputs, and versatile software setup.

The form factor is small at just 65 x 50 x 24 mm3.

Solves containment
Includes documentation for customer manuals and authority applications.

Beyond 12
The first product from Vixos, the Beyond 12, is a highly reliable, flexible, and easy-to-use flight termination system. It can be integrated into any drone that uses PWM signals for control. It is also very resilient and can be mounted anywhere on the drone. It contains a satellite modem and connects directly to the Beyond Base, the base station for activating termination.

4 signals switches

Fully configurable

98 grams



Beyond 22
Beyond 22 has all the features of Beyond 12 plus a host of other features, including automated termination based on geography, support for DroneCAN, encryption of the satellite link, and more. Beyond 22 will is in development and will be available in Q1 2026.

Multiple drones
Automatic termination

Beyond Base
The Base can activate the flight termination with a few pushes of the buttons. Due to the satellite connections, it is entirely independent and can be used anywhere at any time to terminate the drone flight. It can be carried around the neck and is, therefore, always immediately available.

8+ hours battery
Easy in emergency
Customer and partners

Supported by

Contact Us
Our office is located at Fredrik Bajers Vej 300, 9220 Aalborg East.
The building is called GROWAAL. Parking is some distance away.

Slotsgade 30, 9330 Dronninglund, Denmark
Fredrik Bajers Vej 300, 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark
+45 2429 2720